
Month: December, 2014

Bundlr – New Orleans Blues Natchez Vicksburg The Delta 3rd Coast

Bundlr – New Orleans Blues Natchez Vicksburg The Delta 3rd Coast.


A Series of Dreams | STORYTELLER


A Series of Dreams | STORYTELLER.

Thinking of a series of dreams
Where the time and the tempo fly
And there’s no exit in any direction
’Cept the one that you can’t see with your eyes
Wasn’t making any great connection
Wasn’t falling for any intricate scheme
Nothing that would pass inspection
Just thinking of a series of dreams

– Bob Dylan (Oh Mercy), Copyright 1991, Special Rider

Back to the scene of other pictures.

St. Alphonsus Church, once part of a community of churches. This, St. Mary’s Assumption Church and Bon Secour. Once a group of three churches. One for the Irish, One for the Germans and one for the French. Today, Bon Secour is gone having been dismantled years ago, St. Alphonsus was deconsecrated years ago, but seems to be slowly being restored for community use. Even in this picture, you can see a man practicing organ playing if you look far to the right and near the bottom. And, St. Mary’s Assumption which is still used today for Mass and sacraments. Oh… this church was built in 1843. It’s survived a lot, including Hurricane Katrina almost a decade ago. It looks pretty good from a distance, but the closer you get the more you see that cracks and broken bits.

— Ray Laskowitz


CenLamar | Established 2006

The Original Gangster: The American Saga of Carlos Marcello

The Original Gangster: A book by Lamar White, Jr.

tales of Suchita

I hope you find some good words here

Salt & Coconuts

Adventure - Photography - Videography - Travel Apps

Apps for any screen


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a channel of the Los Angeles review of books

Chief of the least

Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief....


marketing the social needs of the world

Morning Story and Dilbert

Inspiring, Encouraging, Healthy / Why waste the best stories of the World, pour a cup of your favorite beverage and let your worries drift away…


Exploring the world of ideas through books

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences


Sports and STUFF

Deliciously Elegant

Healthy Plant Based Recipes


Daily Thoughts and Meditations as we journey together with our Lord.

Im ashamed to die until i have won some victory for humanity.

Domenic Garisto / LIFE IS NOT A REHERSAL,SO LIVE IT..if you can't be the poet, be the